作者 | 篇名 | 期刊 | |
莊鈞翔 | CH Chuang*, TF Chiu, HC Hsu, SS Lin | Coupling mobile brain imaging and virtual reality omnidirectional treadmill to explore attenuated situational awareness during distracted walking | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems |
莊鈞翔 | CH Chuang, KL Lai, JY Li, JT King, WT Chen, SP Chen, YF Wang, HY Liu, FJ Hsiao, LL Pan, SJ Wang | Abnormal heart rate variability and its application in predicting treatment efficacy in patients with chronic migraine: An exploratory study | Cephalalgia |
莊鈞翔 | CH Chuang* and HC Hsu | Pseudo–mutual gazing enhances interbrain synchrony during remote joint attention tasking | Brain and Behavior |
莊鈞翔 | SF Guu, YP Chao, FY Huang, YT Jeng, H H Ng, CF Hsu, CH Chuang, CM Huang, C W Wu | Interoceptive awareness: MBSR training alters information processing of salience network | Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
莊鈞翔 | HY H Ng, C W Wu, FY Huang CM Huang, CF Hsu, YP Chao, TP Jung, CH Chuang* | Enhanced electroencephalography effective connectivity in frontal low-gamma band correlates of emotional regulation after mindfulness training | Journal of Neuroscience Research |
王子華 | Wang, T. H., Sun, Yu & Huang, N. W | Implementation of web-based dynamic assessment in improving low English achievers’ learning effectiveness | Computer Assisted Language Learning |
王子華 | Wang, T. H. & Kao, C. H. | Pupil dilation as an index of examinee’s cognitive load in answering a mathematics question: A comparison study of different approaches | Mind, Brain and Education. |
許育光 | Kivlighan, D. M., III, Hsu, Y.-K. K., & Kivlighan, D. M., Jr. | Identity-Based Faultlines in Taiwanese Counseling. Groups and Group Members’ Motivations for Self-Disclosing. | Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. |
許育光 | 曹訓嘉、劉淑慧、許育光 | 「角色義務」與「獨立自主」 的相生相依:矯正學校青年自我「關聯身份」野地闖蕩實踐歷程的現象學探究 | 本土心理學研究(TSSCI) |
許育光 | Hsing, C. -P., Hsu, Y. -K., Tien, H. -S., & Fan, C. -H. | The relational structure development through social network analysis: A case study of different self-disclosures in an unstructured counseling group. | Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling(TSSCI) |
許育光 | 曹訓嘉、許育光、劉淑慧 | 矯正學校離校青年生涯發展與再求學經驗之現象學探究 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
謝錦城 | Yen-Ting Lai , Hsiao-Ling Huang, City C. Hsieh, Chih-Ching Lin, Jung-Cheng Yang, Han-Hsing Tsou, Chih-Ching Lin, Szu-Yuan Li, Hsiang-Lin Chan, Wen-Sheng Liu | The Effects of Yoga Exercise on Blood Pressure and Hand Grip Strength in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Controlled Study | Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health |
謝協君 | Hung-Yu Lin、En-Chi Chiu、Hsieh-Chun Hsieh、Pei-Jung Wang | Gender Differences in Auditory and Visual Attentional Performance in Children with and without ADHD | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology |
謝協君 | Lai, Chia ,Hsieh, Hsieh-Chun*, Lee, Wai-Keung, Lin, Chien-Heng, Lin, Hung-Yu. | Application of remodeled glove puppetry for children with developmental disabilities: a randomized controlled trial. | Assistive Technology. |
陳明蕾 | Chen, C., & Chen, M. | How the Vocabulary Ability of 4th Graders Modulates Their Multiple Texts Comprehension: An eye-tracking study | Bulletin of Educational Psychology(TSSCI) |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C. L., Chen, F. C. | Motion sense sensitivity of the ankle is abnormal and linked to lower motor performance in children with and without developmental coordination disorder | Human Movement Science |
曾鈺婷 | 曾鈺婷* | 本體感覺與動作能力間之互惠性 | 體育學報 |
曾鈺婷 | 洪采君、曾鈺婷* | 音樂專家之動態觸覺與不同面向的動作能力 | 大專體育學刊 |
曾鈺婷 | Li, Y. C., Tseng, Y. T., Hsu, F. Y., Chao, H. C., Wu, S. K. | Developmental Coordination Disorder and Unhealthy Weight Status in Taiwanese Children: The Roles of Sex and Age | Children |
曾鈺婷 | Tran, H. T., Tseng,Y. T., Chen, S. Y., Wu, S. K., Li, Y. C | Moderation of parental socioeconomic status on the relationship between birth health and developmental coordination disorder at early years | Frontiers in Pediatrics |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T., Hsu, H. J.* | Not only motor skill performance but also haptic function is impaired in children with developmental language disorder | Research in Developmental Disabilities |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C. L.*, Wu, T. H., Chen, Y. W., & Lin, Y. H. | Table tennis, as a method of sensorimotor training, induces haptic and motor gains in children with a probable developmental coordination disorder | Motor Control |
許馨仁 | Tseng, Y. T., & Hsu, H. J | Research in Developmental Disabilities | Research in Developmental Disabilities |
姚在府 | Yun-Hsuan Chang, Meng-Heng Yang, Zai-Fu Yao, Meng-Che Tsai, Shulan Hsieh | The Mediating Role of Brain Structural Imaging Markers in Connecting Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Resilience. | Children |
姚在府 | Zai-Fu Yao, Shulan Hsieh, Meng-Heng Yang | Exercise habits and mental health: Exploring the significance of multimodal imaging markers | Progress in Brain Research |
作者 | 篇名 | 期刊 | |
陳湘淳 | Chen, H. C., Kao, C. H., Wang, T. H., & Lai, Y. T | Evaluation of children’s cognitive load in processing and storage of their spatial working memory. | Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition. |
莊鈞翔 | CH Chuang*, KY Chang, CS Huang, TP Jung | IC-U-Net: A U-Net based denoising autoencoders using mixtures of independent components for automatic EEG artifact removal | NeuroImage |
王子華 | Wang, T. H. & Kao, C. H. | Investigating factors affecting student academic achievement in mathematics and science: cognitive style, self-regulated learning and working memory | Instructional Science |
王子華 | Chen, H. C., Kao, C. H., Wang, T. H., & Lai, Y. T | Evaluation of children’s cognitive load in processing and storage of their spatial working memory. | Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition. |
王子華 | Surahman, E. & Wang, T. H. | Academic dishonesty and trustworthy assessment in online learning: A systematic literature review | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
王子華 | Peng, T. H. & Wang, T. H. | Developing an analysis framework for studies on pedagogical agent in an e-learning environment | Journal of Educational Computing Research |
許育光 | 許育光 | 團體諮商實務之團體督導模式建構:系統化介入策略的應用 | 輔導季刊 |
許育光 | Trappey, A.J.C.; Lin, A.P.C.; Hsu, K.Y.K.; Trappey, C.V.; Tu, K.L.K. | Development of an Empathy-Centric Counseling Chatbot System Capable of Sentimental Dialogue Analysis | Processes |
謝錦城 | Yen-Ting Lai , Chien-Hung Lin, City C. Hsieh, Jung-Cheng Yang, Han-Hsing Tsou, Chih-Ching Lin, Szu-Yuan Li, Hsiang-Lin Chan, Wen-Sheng Liu | Combining yoga exercise with rehabilitation improves balance and depression in patients with chronic stroke: A controlled trial. | Applied Sciences |
許慧玉 | Yang, K.-L., Hsu, H.-Y., & Cheng, Y.-H. | Opportunities and challenges of mathematics learning in Taiwan: a critical review | ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education |
陳明蕾 | Chen, C., & Chen, M. | How the Vocabulary Ability of 4th Graders Modulates Their Multiple Texts Comprehension: An eye-tracking study | Bulletin of Educational Psychology |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y.-T.*, Lin, Y. H., Chen, Y. W., Tsai, C. L., & Chen, F. C. | Impaired wrist position sense is linked to motor abnormalities in young adults with a probable developmental coordination disorder | Neuroscience Letters |
作者 | 篇名 | 期刊 | |
陳湘淳 | Wang, T.-H., Kao, C.-H., & Chen, H.-C. | Factors Associated with the Equivalence of the Scores of Computer-Based Test and Paper-and-Pencil Test: Presentation Type, Item Difficulty and Administration Order. | Sustainability |
莊鈞翔 | CH Chuang*, SW Lu, YP Chao, PH Peng, HC Hsu, CC Hung, CL Chang, TP Jung | Near-zero phase-lag hyperscanning in a novel wireless EEG system | Journal of Neural Engineering |
莊鈞翔 | CT Lin, CH Chuang*, YC Hung, CN Fang, D Wu, YK Wang | A driving performance forecasting system based on brain dynamic state analysis using 4-D convolutional neural networks | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
莊鈞翔 | HY Hydra Ng, C W. Wu, FY Huang, YT Cheng, SF Guu, CM Huang, CF Hsu, YP Chao, TP Jung, CH Chuang* | Mindfulness training alters resting-state EEG dynamics in novice practitioners via mindful breathing and body-scan | Frontiers in Psychology |
王子華 | 孫瑜、林炳洲、王子華 | 教科書多元文化內涵之分析研究——以馬來西亞小一華文版健體教科書為例。 | 香港中文大學教育學報,49(2) |
王子華 | Wang, T.-H., Kao, C.-H., & Chen, H.-C. | Factors Associated with the Equivalence of the Scores of Computer-Based Test and Paper-and-Pencil Test: Presentation Type, Item Difficulty and Administration Order. | Sustainability |
王子華 | Chen, L.C. & Wang, T. H. | Scale for assessing undergraduates’ interdisciplinary competences related to the smart living industry | Studies in Educational Evaluation |
王子華 | Wang, T. H. & Cheng, H. Y. | Problematic Internet use among elementary school students: prevalence and risk factors | Information Communication & Society |
許育光 | 刑志彬、許哲修*、田秀蘭、許育光 | 具備心理師證照之國中小專任輔導教師專業認同內涵探究 | 教育心理學報Bulletin of Educational Psychology |
許育光 | 詹雅淳、許育光 | 生態取向遊戲治療對學齡前疑似注意力不足過動症兒童之職能治療方案發展與成效探究 | 特殊教育學報Journal of Special Education |
許育光 | 許育光 | 新手團體諮商師領導能力發展探究:歷程追蹤、分項比較與學習類型叢集分析 | 教育心理學報 |
許育光 | 陳容瑋、許育光 | 桌遊為媒材的親子關係促進方案效益探究 | 台灣遊戲治療學報 |
謝協君 | Wan,G., Hsieh,H. C.*, Lin C.H., Lin, H. Y., Lin,C. Y., Chiu, W. H. | An Accessible Training Device for Children with Cerebral Palsy | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering |
謝協君 | Lin, H. Y., Chang W.D., Hsieh, H. C., Yu, W. H., Lee, P. | Relationship between intraindividual auditory and visual attention in children with ADHD. | Research in Developmental Disabilities |
曾鈺婷 | Tsai, C. L., Pan, C. Y., Tseng, Y. T., Chen, F. C., Chang, Y. C., & Wang, T. C. | Acute effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on BDNF and irisin levels and neurocognitive performance in late middle-aged and older adults. | Behavioural Brain Research |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, F.C., Tsai, C.L., & Konczak, J. | Upper limb proprioception and fine motor function in young pianists | Human Movement Science |
作者 | 篇名 | 期刊 | |
莊鈞翔 | CT Lin, JT King, CH Chuang, W Ding, WY Chuang, LD Liao, & YK Wang | Exploring the brain responses to driving fatigue through simultaneous EEG and fNIRS measurement | International Journal of Neural Systems |
王子華 | 陳俐淇、王子華、孫漁秝 | 台灣家長選擇在家自行教育之省思─以兩個家庭為例 | 香港中文大學教育學報 |
王子華 | Fan, Y. C., Wang, T. H., & Wang, K. H. | Studying the effectiveness of an online argumentation model for improving undergraduate students’ argumentation ability | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
陳明蕾 | Chen, M., & Chen, C. | Do readers adjust their lower- and higher-level language skills according to text structures? Evidence from eye movements in Chinese text reading. | Journal of Research in Reading. |
許育光 | 刑志彬、許哲修、田秀蘭、許育光 | 具備心理師證照之國中小專任輔導教師專業認同內涵之探究 | 教育心理學報 |
許育光 | 許育光、刑志彬 | 新手團體諮商師領導能力發展探究:歷程追蹤、分項比較與學習類型叢集分析 | 教育心理學報 |
許育光 | 顏嘉萱、李瑜庭、王歆韶、許育光 | 不同依附風格成員於團體歷程中的人際互動之探究與啟發 | 輔導季刊 |
許育光 | 刑志彬、許育光 | 臺灣運動心理學研究回顧:主題焦點與年代趨勢之社會網絡分析 | 中華心理學報 |
許育光 | 許育光 | 兒童諮商與家長諮詢:生態系統觀點的實務與研究反思 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 57 2020.01[民109.01] 頁1-16 |
謝協君 | Hsieh, H.C. | Preliminary Study of the Effect of Training with a Gaming Balance Board on Balance Control in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial | American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2020, 99(2), 頁 142-148 |
謝協君 | Hsieh, H. C.*, Liu,C.-K. Chen, K. H.P. | Lego Robots in Puppet Play for Children with Cerebral Palsy. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
謝協君 | 謝協君 | 視覺追視裝置在腦性麻痺兒童之視知覺與手眼協調能力運用成效 | 特殊教育季刊,151, 11-22. |
許慧玉 | 蔡淑君、許慧玉、鄭英豪、陳建誠 | 拖曳對國小生理解四邊形包含關係之研究 | 臺灣數學教育期刊7:1頁27-54 |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, F.C., Tsai, C.L., & Konczak, J. | Upper limb proprioception and fine motor function in young pianists | Human Movement Science |
曾鈺婷 | Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C.L., & Chen, F.C. | Wrist proprioceptive acuity is linked to fine motor function in children undergoing piano training | Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, |
曾鈺婷 | Chiu, Y. K., Pan, C. Y., Chen, F. C., Tseng, Y. T., & Tsai C. L. | Behavioral and cognitive electrophysiological differences in the executive functions of basketball players as a function of playing position | Brain Sciences |
曾鈺婷 | Chen, F. C., Pan, C. Y., Chu, C. H., Tsai, C. L., & Tseng, Y. T. | Joint position sense of lower extremities is impaired and related to balance function in children with developmental coordination disorder | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine |
王子華 Wang, T. H.& Cheng, H. Y. Problematic Internet use among elementary school students: Prevalence and risk factors. Information, Communication & Society.(SSCI)
王子華 Wang, T. H., Lim, K. Y. T., Lavonen, J. & Clark-Wilson, A. Maker-Centred Science and Mathematics Education: Lenses, Scales and Contexts.International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17 (suppl 1), 1-11.(SSCI)
王子華 Wang, T. H., Kao, C. H., & Dai, Y. L. Developing a web-based multimedia assessment system for facilitating science laboratory instruction. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35 (4), 529-539. (SSCI)
陳明蕾 台灣十年來教師閱讀教學與學生閱讀表現關係之探討:來自PIRLS 2006、2011與2016的證據。教育心理學報,2019,51 卷,1 期,51-82 頁(TSSCI)
詹雨臻 呂昕頤、詹雨臻*、陳學志 笑話中歧義與推論歷程之眼動分析Ambiguity and Inference Processing in Verbal Jokes: Analyses of Eye Movement.教育心理學報.50卷4期 (2019 / 06 / 01) , P587 - 609(TSSCI)
詹雨臻 Lee, Y. L., Chen, H. C., & *Chan, Y. C. The attentional bias of gelotophobes towards emotion words containing the Chinese character for ‘laugh’: An eye-tracking approach.Current Psychology.1-14(SSCI)
許育光 買詠婕、許育光、刑志彬 多軸向自我傷害危機處理能力評量之工具建構,中華心理衛生,32(3)295-327.(TSSCI)
許育光 臺灣學校心理師何去何從?-從現況評述、課程檢核到培育反思,當代教育研究季刊,27(3)35-64
許育光 兒童中心團體遊戲治療的理念回觀與實務研究展望,台灣遊戲治療學報,7:13-15。
許育光 刑志彬、許育光、羅家玲 準諮商心理師專業認同之跨世代分析:內、外部預期因素初探。輔導季刊,55 (1):1-17。通訊作者。
邱富源 STEAM玩具對幼兒教育的價值及運用,2019台灣玩具暨孕嬰童用品採購指南,12-15
許馨仁 淺談 SLI 和 DLD .台灣聽力語言學會電子學報.第86期
許馨仁 發展性語言障礙兒童之序列學習和語言能力,台灣學習障礙學會電子學報,第20期,P12
王子華 Wang, T. H. Developing a Web-based assessment system for evaluating examinee’s understanding of the procedure of scientific experiments.EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 14(5), 1791-1801. (SSCI)
陳明蕾 課文本位閱讀策略教學對國小學童閱讀理解表現與閱讀策略使用覺知情形之影響。教育心理學報。教育心理學報,2018,49 卷,4 期,581-609 頁(TSSCI)
謝錦城 Chien-Yu Hsiao, Yi-Ju Hsu, Yu-Tang Tung, Mon-Chien Lee, Chi-Chang Huang, & City C. Hsieh* Effects of Antrodia camphorata and Panax ginseng supplementation on anti-fatigue properties in mice.Journal of Veterinary Medical Science.51(1)284-291 (SCI)
謝錦城 City C. Hsieh, Yu-Chieh Liang ,Yen-Ting Lai, Jung-Cheng Yang& Hsiao-Ling Huang. The Effects of Physical Activity on Physical and Mental Health in Stroke Patients.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.50(5S)p.61
詹雨臻 *Chan, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., & Chou, T. L. Dissociation between the processing of humorous and monetary rewards in the ‘motivation’ and ‘hedonic’ brains. Scientific Reports, 8, 15425. (SCI) (MOST 105-2410-H-007-027-MY2)
詹雨臻 *Chan, Y. C., Hsu, W. C., Liao, Y. J., Chen, H. C., Tu, C. H., & Wu, C. L. Appreciation of different styles of humor: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 8, 15649. (SCI) (MOST 103-2410-H-007-033)
詹雨臻 Wu, C. L., Zhong, S., Chan, Y. C., Chen, H. C., & He, Y. White-matter structural connectivity in relation to humor styles: An exploratory study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 1654. (SSCI)
詹雨臻 Wu, C. L., Chan, Y. C., & Chen, H. C. Gender differences on laugh-related traits: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Psychology. (SSCI)
陳湘淳 Yuh-shiow Lee & Hsiang-Chun Chen Eye movement indices of memory reveal re-processing of visual information: Evidence from Chinese characters.Visual Cognition.26(7)500-510(SSCI)
邱富源 STEAM教育由營隊轉變成正式課程之發展歷程,科學教育實作學門電子期刊,p12
許慧玉 Fou-Lai Lin, Kai-Lin Yang, Hui-Yu Hsu, Jian-Cheng Chen Mathematics teacher educator-researchers’ perspectives on the use of theory in facilitating teacher growth. Educational Studies in Mathematics.Educational Studies in Mathematics